Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rain Ride

Either a show of solidarity or just stubborn, I decided during the Sunday drizzle Gretchen and I would ride Monday morning if the weather was the same.

It was.

At 6am we were poised and ready to go.

Jen had to get to work early Monday, so it was just me and the dog.

It had been a while since I'd done a rain ride. I couldn't quite remember what to expect.

Would it be too muddy?
Would I get too cold?
Would Gretchen like it?

There was a time, such questions were silly. Regardless of weather, you just rode.

I planned a route that would stick to the solid double track areas. Not as exciting as slick and twisty single track, but we were riding in the rain. How much more excitement do you need? My biggest concern was the railroad bed as it usually has some sloppy spots when really wet.

Miraculously (it's been raining for days) the trails were mostly fine. Either the route or just lucky, but we hardly encountered a trail that I'd call muddy.

The railroad bed and the road around the quarry had some small lakes, but I'm not too worried about the impact on those features.

Gretchen appeared to love it. All the little woodland creatures were out for her to chase. I guess they figured humans and their dogs would stay in that morning. At one point she even ran out across the rapids in the creek chasing who knows what. Unfortunately she wouldn't stay still for her after shot.

Her nose isn't normally black.

You have to fight to get CJ to even go outside to use the bathroom in this kind of weather. Gretchen was impervious.

Can't say I'm looking forward to the next rain ride, but it was nice to at least get out when we most needed it.

- b


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