Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Insomnia Sucks

Duh. Right?

Last couple of weeks I've been waking anywhere between 2 and 3am.

Awake like the night is over and time to get up and get the day going - not just peeping at the clock and rolling over with a sigh.

Though rolling over is what I've been doing - rolling, tossing, turning, whatever to pretend I'm not really awake.

This goes on until about 5am, when I fall asleep again and wake up feeling miserable sometime after 7:30am.

Not this morning.

This morning I got up around 4am and went into the kitchen. I was wide awake as if I'd had a full nights sleep, so I sat at the computer and did some work.

Somewhere after 5:30 I got drowsy again. I laid down on the couch in the living room, but it was too cold. I went downstairs to the couch near the stove and slept till after 7.

Waking after 7 felt miserable. Felt nothing like the 4am rise.

What the hell? How does this work? When does it stop?

I need a vacation.

- b


Blogger Mark said...

i get up and move to a couch or back to the bed, usually a change in location does it for me, maybe a midnight snack.

April 14, 2009 10:30:00 AM EDT  

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