Monday, April 27, 2009

Red Skies In Morning

...Sailers take warning.

Though it was a filter Jen used on the sunrise to make it all appear that bright red/orange hue, it's had its effect.

As I'm leaving this morning for work, I step into the work room to find this again, but worse. I knew I should have checked it out. I should have at least stuck a coat hanger in the drain to make sure it was clear or even manually ran the purges to see what was happening.

What's worse, as I was vacuuming up the mess with the wet/dry vac, I turn around only to see the exhaust on the vac blowing the (waste) water out the other side and all against the shelves.

Meanwhile I have a dog that's licked his leg till it bled and a cell phone crushed by rocks during trail maintenance.

I just know when I get home tonight, I'll find the mulch guy has dumped 10yrds of mulch in the wrong place.

- b


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