Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yoshi and Friends

Sundays Marsh Creek hike included Sean, his kids and their one year old Australian Cattle Dog named Yoshi. Sean also has a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Zephyr, but Zephyr recently went blind. Until Zephyr gets his bearings back, Yoshi has no one to play with.

What a better way to get new dogs acquainted then to take them hiking?

As you can see Yoshi is quite cute and very smart. It didn't take her long to pick up on the treat trick - if you're called and you come and sit, you get a treat.

Besides a few scuffles (dogs will be dogs), all got along splendidly. It was almost cute to watch the dominance challenges. Yoshi was clearly more aggressive, but Gretchen was clearly bigger. And CJ? He just didn't care.

Sean's kids had fun too. There are always plenty of things to explore in the woods. Here Sean's daughter passes under the old rail road bed through a culvert made in 1916.

Sean appeared to be having a good time as well watching his kids explore the woods and his dog running herself silly.

Things went so well, we're likely to be seeing a lot more of Yoshi and her family on our hikes in the coming weeks.

- b


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