Monday, October 6, 2008

Dirtball Wannabe

Besides the fame and fortune, how is it Justin Timberlake gets to go to a wedding as Jessica Beil's date (and she's a bridesmaid) looking like such a slouch?

My wife will hardly let me go to Home Depot with a beard like that - let alone with her to a wedding.

Maybe that's why Jessica looks so annoyed?

Or maybe I'm just annoyed I had to work all weekend and still get up and shave this morning.

Why can't I get paid millions to do what I love, I'm good at and only do it parts of the year?

Instead I bust my ass at something I hate for crackers.

Yeah yeah. It's the lament of the masses.

At least Victoria Beckham suffers some for her fame and fortune. Can you imagine walking in these thigh high PVC boots? How does she put them on? What does she tell her kids? Not that I really care about any of those things. They're just more palatable questions then the ones I'd really want to ask about those boots.
Click here for the full picture.

Yes it's true.

I peruse

I've truly lost it.

- b


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