Thursday, October 9, 2008

About Them Shoes

It's true.

I like shoes - especially women in their shoes.

So when I see Posh in her PVC Thigh High Micro Wedge Boots, I have to comment.

Most relevant to the topic, I like heels - high heels. Yeah there's the whole thing they do with women's legs making their calves stand out blah, blah blah, but I like the heels.

I honestly don't know what it is (something in the engineering I suppose), but I like the heel itself.

Tall little tiny heels dazzle me. Stylish heels with some kind of flare are intriguing too.

Wedges - eh. If they're stylish sure, but wedges in general - not really.

Micro wedges? There's no heel, so double no.

I give her credit for the PVC (though it's sweaty and smelly), but the stripper platform/micro wedge - I hate.

- b


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