Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Ran out of gas three times this weekend. The first was Saturday afternoon. I had done a bunch of piddly chores in the morning, took the dogs for a hike, then had a late lunch. It wasn't long after lunch, I was down for the count. Laid down in bed, kicked off the shoes, and passed out asleep for forty-five minutes. Took forever to wake up and I was never quite right the rest of the day.

Sunday I decided to do some welding in preparation for supporting Ben's Big Adventure next weekend (solo singlespeed 24hr race). The rack for my truck gave up the ghost last winter and snapped apart. As far as welding goes, it wasn't that difficult of a deal, but I was way out of practice. I'm hoping to get a picture page up for the ordeal, but time will tell.

Back to the point - I ran out of welding gas in the middle of it. It was bad enough I was impatient, in a hurry and out of practice, but welding without gas, makes for really ugly work.

Later that evening as I was cutting the grass and Jen grilling dinner, she ran out of propane. I said "huh?" She repeated thinking I didn't hear her from the tractor, but truth was I didn't believe her. Even with our new grill, we don't use it that often. Seemed a little suspicious to run out in a single summer. Oh well. I threw on the new tank and dinner was good to go.

Just so you don't think this post was all about gas, here's a welding shot.

Nothing like cold hard steel to bring a subject back in check. Actually it was smoldering hot steel, and I've the burns all over my hands to prove it.

- b


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