Sunday, August 17, 2008

Another Saturday Gone

I have an demo due on Monday. Last Thursday was the dry-run. Lackluster would best describe how that went down. The week of September 15th we're scheduled for an integration workshop with other applications. The middle of October this goes live in front of customers at our user group conference in Vegas. In January they get to buy it.

The schedule is tight, requirements vague and pressure high. I've got other people in the company asking to review our designs (our piece is central to the entire application implementation). I don't even have designs myself. Status quo for software development right?

The concert Friday night inspired me to do great things for this Monday demo.

It's my job to make applications user friendly and exciting. It's my art. I do things most developers don't bother with or hardly understand. I was hoping to get some of those nuances in this weekend - some of those "that's really nice" or "wow that's cool" features.

Didn't happen. I spent all my time just making it work.

We're required to use the latest (bleeding edge) internal architecture designs - use them before they're completed or supported (my IMs at midnight went unanswered). Apparently our designs are too advanced cause I spent too much time making our stuff backwards compatible for their latest and greatest.


- b


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