Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back in Business

My suspicions were right. The hanging pots that are vegetables were in, were no longer doing so well. Turns out the capillary strips used to transfer the water from the resevoir on top to the soil inside were no longer working. I ordered new ones, installed them last night and this morning I had this.

That's right! Nearly empty reservoirs. That means the new strips were working. Hopefully we can get back to ripening these babies!

These too, though we've had a few already and they're delicious!

The broccoli, though, is a different story. I moved it to the other side of our garage to get less sun, and it's already doing better. Better enough to eat, though we're not the only ones eating it.

I've got some organic pesticides on the way. Hopefully that will take care of things.

- b


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