Sunday, May 18, 2008

Smell the Roses

Our First Rose
Sorry for the lack of updates, but I've taken an new approach to my evenings and left the laptop shut. Instead Jen and I have been exercising our Netflix account. The relaxation helps.

It was another busy weekend for us. Started off Saturday by moving the last of the wood pellets to their new inside home.

That little job served two purposes. It gets the leftover pellets from under a tarp in the rain to inside, and paves the way for opening the pool soon.

After the pellets were done, it was off to Petsmart for the last dog training class. We got our diplomas, then accidentally left them on a shelf somewhere in the store. That basically sums up our experience for that round of training. We just weren't into it this time around.

After dog training it was grass cutting, weeding and mulching. Pretty much sums up every weekend lately.

Sunday morning started off bright and early at French Creek. There were some "hot spots" that needed tending after last weekends race. Nothing too terrible or more then mother nature could have taken care of herself, but it's important to get out and put on the show for continued park privileges. A before/after picture would have been nice for the trail section I worked on, but I left the camera at home. It was definitely a beautiful morning to be in the woods.

Back at home I jumped on a "concept project" for Jen. She wants to try one of those hanging gardens where you grow tomatoes and what-not upside down. Problem is you need something to hold 80lb pots - three of them in Jen's case. I threw this behemoth together. We'll see how it does.

It's an experiment in two cases. Will it hold three 80lb pots through the summer and will they grow. Stay tuned for more on all that.

The afternoon was riddled with passing showers. Between two passing storms, I completed another pet project for Jen.

The oak just didn't go, and like any little project it didn't go easily.

The end result was worth all the trouble.

Time for another movie, till next time...

- b


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