Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Free Range Puppy

Since getting her cone off and stitches out, Gretchen's been given free range of the house when we're around.

After a hike or all day in the yard, it works pretty nicely. She mostly just lounges.

If she hasn't had those things to burn off the energy, it's a little different. She splits her time between harassing the cat,

harassing CJ or harassing us. We're hoping she gets bored of it soon.

We've even stopped the sleeping in the crate at night, though last night I wished we hadn't.

We've been leashing her to the dresser next to her bed, so she doesn't spend all night doing the things she loves. It's worked for about week now, though last night she somehow tied herself into a knot. She was on her back and completely wrapped up in the leash. It freaked her out. She yelped and peed her bed. It was pretty nasty.

So she's back to a crate of sorts. We put her in the bathroom with a gate to keep her in. It's not as nice as her lying in her bed next to ours, but it's a lot nicer (and cleaner) then her getting into trouble - so far.

- b


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