Saturday, December 15, 2007

Make the Boys Want It!

Last night was our last SAP holiday party. I took our Indian guests (Harsh & Vikrant) as Jen was late from work and had to meet us there.

Overall it was a good time. Lots of food, people and beverages. Near the end of the evening, we headed to the third floor where the "club dancing" room was setup. They had a DJ and small dance floor. After a few rounds of Cha-Cha I headed off to the side to enjoy a G&T while Jen kept dancing on her own.

At some point I made the comment to some friends "Let's see who tries to dance with Jen?" when a girl grabbed Jen by the arm, led her to the center of the floor and spent the next 10 minutes working on their "butt moves."

Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture. It was really quite funny. At first Jen appeared to be having fun, but the girl didn't think Jen was accentuating the goods enough and repeatedly demonstrated the proper way to "Make the boys want it" - something Jen didn't think was really appropriate for a corporate event.

Interest faded and the girl was off to teach someone something else. Jen made her escape and we headed home shortly afterwards.

- b


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