Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hannibal Gretchen

I had seen these funky muzzle like collars people used on their dogs before, but thought they were just a cheaters way of teaching your dog to walk. I had used a harness on CJ and he took to it very well.

Gretchen, not so well.

She pulls, eats stuff and whatever else she can imagine that's wrong. I was desperate, so I decided to try the funky muzzle collar thingy.

First off, it's not a muzzle, though can sort of be used as one. It's more of a harness like you use on a horse. It's rigged so when she pulls, it pulls against itself and pulls her head to the side. By keeping the right amount of tension, it keeps her head in a nice straight-up walking position. If she deviates from that position by pulling or lunging, it pulls her head to the side.

It's great. Basically she's regulating her own behavior. Now we can concentrate on walking and not fighting each other over what she should do and what she wants to do.

And after all that good walking, she's tired enough to enjoy her new bed.

- b


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