Tuesday, December 4, 2007

All Work

I've had a deadline (it's tomorrow) for a few weeks now. When it was first given to me, I was in the midst of puppy induced sleep deprivation torture. I was happy to even get to work, let alone do any. As Gretchen moved from sleeping a solid six hours to a solid eight hours (it ain't all great, she still gets up at 6am, so you better be in bed by 10 for a full nights rest) over the last two weeks I've had more capacity (mentally, though not time) for work. To make up for the lack of time, I've basically been working 7 - 9 most every day. Sure it's not a solid 14 hours, since I have dog duty and meals, but after two weeks of it I'm whooped.

So here I sit on the eve of a deadline, pee smelly puppy on my lap, wife out with the girls, and the last bit of work I really don't want to do. Honestly I think I'd rather do the Lumberjack race again then finish this stuff - ah to ride a bike again...

Oh well. I'll suck it up, cut and paste the last bit of BS and go to bed. At least tomorrow we're all going downtown for a team holiday outing. I'll be sure to drink my share and everyone elses for that matter.

- b


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