Monday, November 12, 2007

Puppy Pacifier

We started with Budda Bones and Greenies, but when we finally read the labels and saw they weren't meant for dogs younger then six months we turned to something more natural - cow hooves. They stink like all hell when they get all wet and slobbery, but they make great pacifiers. As long as we can hear her chewing on it or throwing it around, we know she's not peeing on something. When the sound stops, it's time to take her out.

Had another Vet appointment today. My suspicions were true. The Coccidia is still rockn' out in her belly, so we have a new regimen - yellow powdery half pills three times a day for two weeks and gourmet boiled chicken with rice till the diarrhea goes away. As if she wasn't already a handful?

Hell - look at the kitchen!

My body isn't a whole lot different. I have a cut from two (or was it three) weeks ago on my leg that's not healing like it should. My hands are scales. I wash them so much from being in pee, poop, cat litter - you name it, they've completely dried up. Lotion doesn't help. Just makes them smell funny.

Oh well. She's a good dog. I'm not complaining - just observing. Next time I decide to do this puppy thing, I'll have a reference, cause I swear CJ wasn't this hard. Speaking of which, found this in some of the negatives I've been scanning.

And for those that used to read this site for mt. biking, I found this

If you've finished the W101, yes that's the bridge. I first rode it back in 1994, so it wasn't much of an issue for me 12 years later. Though it's not nearly as cool a shot as this.

And for those that read this site for the dancing, the studio wants us to pay $540 for the two of us to learn a routine to perform at one of their shows in January. Huh? You want me to pay 540 bones to learn something I can't really do as a couple and is meant only for entertainment at your show? That's whacked!

- b


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