Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Stinky Idiot

Jet lag is a painful thing. "Good sleep hygiene promotes rapid recovery from jet lag"

Ooops. Screwed that one up.

The first day here I had to leave half-way through the day to go home and sleep. Woke up yesterday feeling ok, but my brain wasn't in the game. I was a zombie till about 5pm my time (7:30am back on the east coast), then my brain woke up. It was like a light switch went on. Poof! I could think again. Suddenly I understood all the questions and discussions I had that day. Suddenly I could contribute, but my cab was waiting. It was time to go home.

Feeling guilty for the lack of productivity, I logged into work from home. Caught up in the flurry of emails and IMs with friends and family, it got late and I didn't get to sleep when I should have.

I'm paying for it today. Not quite the zombie I was yesterday, I'm still pretty stupid.

I should sleep when I'm normally awake. I should be awake when I normally sleep.
Onto other things...

Three days now I've gone without a hot shower (not even warm). I now know how to make the shower hot, but don't have the where-with-all in the mornings to make it happen. See, there's this thing over the toilet.

It's my very own personal hot water heater, but it only works if I turn it on.

Everyone here is pretty energy conscious, so it's not right to just leave it on all day. Also I'm not sure I trust it won't burn the whole building down.

I've been told it takes around 15 minutes to heat. The easy thing would be to turn it on at night, wait, then take a shower before bed. That would mean reapplying bug repellent before bed, then again in the morning before work. That stuff's nasty (i.e. the stinky part of the title). I don't like wearing it anymore then I have to, so I've been avoiding the evening showers (I'm totally self conscious about my "funny cologne").

That leaves me with cold showers, which is probably good anyway to wake me up and get me moving. Now if I could just get to bed ontime.

- b


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