Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm Here - Rough Night

So flying nearly fifteen hours wasn't as bad as I thought it could be. The first flight from Newark to Frankfurt was overnight, so I slept a few cramped hours in my isle seat next to some guy not afraid to lean on me some. On the second flight I gave up my isle seat so some guy could sit next to his wife and infant. In return I got his seat in the middle of four in the center of the plane. Not like I had much choice. Cramped is always better then screaming kid. Turns out the middle of four was best. I kept my laptop on the floor in front of me, but not under the seat in front of me. Gave me more leg room.

Slept the first hour of the second flight, but otherwise stayed awake. Watched Oceans 13. Was worth the price of admission.

We landed shortly after midnight Delhi time, then sat on the runway for half an hour. I'd heard the Delhi airport was pretty nasty, but was still anxious to get off the plane. I've seen worse. The airport was about on par with a SEPTA station/bathroom. Immigration was smooth, customs was non-existent.

Found the dude with my name on his placard and jumped in his car.

Holy Shit! The sites were just crazy. It was well after 1am, but there were plenty of people out and about. Guards falling asleep at intersections, groups of guys sitting in parking lots, Road Warrior like trucks hauling ass or parked with people sitting all around. It was too much and too dark to completely take in.

The guy rolls up to the apartment building I'm supposed to be staying in, points to the elevator and says 14th floor. I ride up and sure enough find the door that says SAP. I ring the bell. A confused half asleep guy comes to the door and asks who I am - I think. After failing to communicate some more, he picks up the phone and calls someone. He says ok, then leads me back to the elevator. We go down one floor and to another door (not as nice as the SAP door). Some other confused half asleep guy lets me in and points to one of the inner doors. This must be the place.

Home sweet home for a month. Even comes with refreshing mothballs in the sink.

Now the fun begins. I unpack and try to connect to the wireless router I saw in the outside room. No luck. It's late. I figure I should get some sleep, but I'm wide awake. After a few trips to the bathroom (already?), I turn out the lights and try to get some sleep.

Anxiety and nausea set in.

From time to time I've had issues with anxiety in the past. Because of that I should have been more prepared (drugs!). My stomach was in knots and I was freaking out. So far nobody really spoke any English. The "Guest House" didn't know who I was and didn't seem too prepared. The room was kind of shoddy and the bed was really hard. The electricity kept flickering and whistles were being blown outside. What the hell had I gotten myself into and how fast could I get out? Should I call Jen? Should I take a shot of the Gin I bought? Was I sick already? Did I have chills? Fever? What the hell? I would try and count slowly and take deep breaths. Every time I got to 4, my heart would pound, my stomach turn and head spin. It was 3am my time. 7:30pm Jens time. Is my internal clock off? Am I jet lagged? Should I watch TV? Listen to my iPod. Buy a ticket home. How do I get out of this?

Finally around 4am, I gave in. I called Jen. Being the great wife that she is, she told me to "mix a gin and slip into oblivion." It worked. Between talking to her and a little hit of gin I was sleepy and a little more relaxed. I was still in and out of anxious moments, but I was catching some sleep in between.

Before I knew it the sun was coming up and I was feeling better. I took a shower, put on my bug repellent and went out to breakfast. There was a German named Rolf also staying there and having breakfast. It was a real relief to talk with him. I still couldn't communicate with the people running the guest house, but got breakfast anyway. Things were better. I got some pictures of the surrounding apartments.

Saw a guy walking his dog and definitely felt better. At this point I realized just how jet-lagged I was/am. Just laying in bed, made me nauseous. My body is completely out of whack. I set the alarm and took a nap before catching a cab to the office.

So far so good. Things are really getting better. I've met a few more really helpful people. Getting some real rest tonight should help significantly.

There are so many sights and things to get pictures of. Hopefully with some sleep, I'll be more adventurous with the camera.

Last night was definitely hard, but I'm doing better. Time should really start moving along as my comfort levels adjust.

- b


Blogger Buddy said...

Hopefully things smooth out a bit for you. Looking forward to some pics.


September 10, 2007 7:34:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous RickB said...

In all seriousness, get the F out of that shithole and make them put you up in a hotel. No reason you should have to put up with that. I'd be outta there in a second if I was spending any extended period of time there. Remember that you're doing them a favor.

September 10, 2007 8:17:00 AM EDT  

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