Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Diamox Reaction

The company planning my Himalaya trips suggested I get a prescription for Diamox for my trips at elevation. My Dr. agreed, so I got the prescription. I started the dosage last night as prescribed by my Dr.

Today isn't going so well. So far I've experienced a few of the "Serious" side effects - tingling of extremities (face/feet), dizziness and confusion. The fact sheet I got from the pharmacist says to seek medical help immediately if these occur. Some websites say the side effects are worse when you first start taking the medication and to give it some time.

It's not a whole lot of fun. It feels like a really bad hangover. My coworkers are suggesting I go to the hospital, but that brings up a whole other issue. How do I pay and will insurance cover it?

Typically I prefer to just tough these things out and would be really annoyed if it just requires time to get through my system. So far the symptoms come in waves and I think the bad waves are getting shorter. Or maybe I'm confused?

This is really annoying. I wish I could just call my Dr. Maybe I will.

- b


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