Sunday, July 1, 2007

Miserable Dog

Right before we left for our brunch date this morning, CJ decided he'd had enough of his cast and started chewing it off. I made an emergency trip to PetSmart to pick up a cone. CJ wasn't happy about that.

In fact he was miserable. He wouldn't move. He wouldn't listen, obey or anything. He just sat in the sun baking. When he did move, he was off balance and bumped his cone into everything. It was really a pitiful sight.

I had to come up with something better. As with anything better, it involved the following materials.

That's a roll of duct tape in the middle if you couldn't tell. A little snipping, some bending and we have a custom dog-cast toe protector.

Wrap it up and we're good to go - for now at least.

He's already chewed it a little, which I expect him to do. Hopefully the aluminum will at least slow him down. He's certainly happier.

- b


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