Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Commute Record Broken!

Today Bob smashed his previous commute to work record by FIVE minutes! Because of such a cycling feat the following interview was held via phone with Bob at his office.

Generic Cycling Publication: "Wow Bob! You dropped a whole 5 minutes off your morning commute time. That's really quite amazing. So what was it about today that committed you to such an accomplishment?"

Bob: "It started to rain and I didn't want to get my laptop wet."

Generic Cycling Publication: "Rain? Hasn't it rained on you before?"

Bob: "Yes, but I was prepared for those trips."

Generic Cycling Publication:"So while you were hammering did you have any idea you would break your record by so much and how does it feel to have finally done it?"

Bob: "I was worried about my laptop. My legs are kind of sore."

Generic Cycling Publication: "Sore legs huh? So what kind of recovery drink do you use for that sort of thing?"

Bob: "I'm drinking coffee from the office. The rain was cold. The coffee's hot."

Generic Cycling Publication: "Yeah I guess coffee works for that sort of thing. So is there anything you would have done differently today?"

Bob: "Knee warmers would have been nice."

Generic Cycling Publication: "Knee warmers huh? That's it? Nothing else?"

Bob: "I guess I could have left sooner and ridden further when it wasn't raining, but I had chores to do."

Generic Cycling Publication: "Uh-huh. I see. Are you sure signing up for the Mohican 100 despite the many words and advice from veteran cyclists not too had anything to do with this? Or maybe the fact you have a 12 hour relay race this weekend starting at midnight Saturday night? Are you sure any of that didn't have some kind of effect on your decision to sprint your ass off in the pouring rain this morning. I mean jeez you ran through a speed trap and nearly got grilled by a semi. Something other than the damn rain had to motivate you?"

Bob: "I guess I felt pretty good."

Generic Cycling Publication: "You felt pretty good? Well there you have it folks. Bob's record for commuting into work was broken by five minutes this morning because it was raining and he 'felt pretty good.' Well that's great. Good for you Bob. Thanks for taking the time and interview with us. It's been quite enlightening."

Bob: "Sure."



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