Monday, April 30, 2007

Welcome to our ool

Pool season is quickly approaching. To stack the odds of having a happy clean pool in my favor, I picked up one of these

I never had any real confidence in myself reading the colors of the test strips. My mother thinks I'm color blind. I think I'm anal. If the color is supposed to be pink, sort of almost light pink doesn't count. If none of this makes sense, it's simple. I bought this electronic doo-dah to test my pool water for me. No longer will I have to discern between two colors that look the same to me. I stick the test strip in the water, then stick it in this thing. Voila! Near instant accurate evaluation.

God I hope so or I'm burying the damn thing.

- b

ps. I'd bury the tester. Even if it's a mucky black slime pot, having a pool is nice.


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