Sunday, April 15, 2007

Weekend Wrapup

In brief: I'm sick, it rained a lot, I did a lot, got nothing done, and had some fun.

The break down:
Friday night we went to the city to thank Jeff and Sara for watching CJ while we were away on
vacation. There's a nice little Mexican place down the street from their place, so we met them there for dinner. It was nice. The food was tasty and the company grand - this was our first time out with them since they became engaged. In addition to dinner, we got them iPod Shuffles to add a little music to their lives. The scheme worked. Looks like we have some dog watchers for life.

Saturday morning began our house work weekend. A few weeks ago we realized we hadn't been doing much as far as house chores go, so we designated this weekend a work weekend. Unfortunately I'm not talking spring cleaning kinds of stuff (gotta find time for that too). I'm talking house projects like trim and the cat cubby. We started with a trip to the paint store. What kind of finish to put on our trim (natural or paint) had eluded us till Saturday. Not that there was any kind of epiphany, but the decorator at the store helped us finally decide on paint. With that done, we could get things moving a long a little quicker in working on the trim. After the paint store it was off to Lowes to buy stuff there. A few hours later, we were home and working.

Saturday was also little league opening day for our township. Being that the main township park borders our yard, it seemed like the entire township population was hanging out in our yard that day.
This happens twice a year - little league in the spring and soccer in the fall, so no big deal.

From the time we got up Saturday morning Jen wasn't feeling well. As the day went on, she got worse. Apparently the cold she had when she started her new job, spread through her office and came back to her as something else. She was feeling so bad, she decided not to head out to dinner with friends to Casablanca. Too bad. She missed a lot of fun. The dinner
was all Moroccan - the food, waiters and entertainment. Yes they had belly dancers and yes I have a picture of a guy here, but he really was the most entertaining. I kept waiting for him to turn to a puff of smoke and escape to a lamp on a shelf. Besides the entertainment, the food was decent too. We had rabbit, lamb, and lots of chicken and vegtables. The dessert left a little to be desired as it was only a bowl of fruit. I guess if you're going to go Moroccan, you go all the way.

So I went without Jen, drank lots of beer, ate lots of food, and had lots of fun. Sunday I woke up sick, but it's a sick different then what I've had in recent years. This is mostly respiratory. I can feel a tickle in my lungs. When I cough, it pops and crackles, but nothing comes up. I'm also a little achy and slow. I tire easily. It's sort of perfect timing with the weather we're getting (nearly five inches of rain in the last twenty four hours) and the house work, but it's still a cold and still sucks.

Unfortunately there's still a lot of work to do, so regardless of the cold I got things going in full
swing. My garage is now in wood shop mode. I was measuring,
cutting, sanding - and with the cold remeasuring and re-cutting. See the white spot in the top left corner of the picture? Is that a ghost? Don't they say "orbs" like that in pictures are spirits caught on camera? I realize there was a lot of dust floating around, but that "orb" looks a little bigger then a dust spot in the air or on the camera. Whatever. Eventually my cold (or the ghosts) got the better of me and I quit for the night.

Woke up this morning with snow and ice. Kind of cool for mid April. I'm sick, so it's not like I can ride and really care about it anyway.



Anonymous Yoder said...

I think the spot was an orb trying to tell you that you should have been riding instead of doing house work....I know the feeling, we are getting ready to put a fence in the back yard...

April 16, 2007 12:16:00 PM EDT  

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