Thursday, April 19, 2007

Stupid Sick

I've been sick for three or four days now. It's driving me nuts. It's bad enough to keep me from my job, but not bad enough to keep me in bed all day.

It started with lethargy and body aches. Moved to tightness and gunk in my lungs. From there it became a smoker's cough. Woke up the following day the gunk had moved from my lungs to my head. Two days now with a gunky head - sneezing, coughing draining gunk.

The whole time I could do some things. I could go to the store, but only one store. I'd get tired and have to come home and rest for a while. I could clean some things, but only brainless things like dishes in the dishwasher. I'd get tired and have to rest. Eventually I wasn't so tired doing things, but I was stupid. My brain just didn't do things like it was supposed to. I'd try cutting some trim, but would screw it up cut it three times till it was too short. My garage and basement started to leak water, but I couldn't figure out how to stop it or clean it up. I'd sweep away the water, but it just reappeared. Finally I realized it was still leaking. Let it go.

It was killing me. I had some energy, but couldn't apply it. When I did, it didn't work. I didn't work.

Yesterday Jen stayed home. Too tired and sick herself to go to work and do stupid things. Between the two of us, we were half as smart as average. I got some trim done, but not a lot and not very well.

I should have done nothing. I can't. I should have rested. Doesn't really work for me. Instead I picked up a sharp chisel and made delicate cuts in wood.

Today I'm going to work. I'll sit in my cube and get the rest I've needed all week. I'll be stupid and get paid for it.



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