Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Ride

With a sky like this, you know bad things are coming.

That's a front moving in for those that don't recognize weather patterns. Fronts in the winter generally mean precipitation in the form of snow. Ya snow! Snow Ride!

Unfortunately not for me. I've been putting off the installation of our tractor plow all winter. With four inches of the white fluffy stuff in our driveway, I had no choice. My friends were off ripping up the trails, while I had a snow ride of my own of sorts.

The tractor in all its snow warrior glory. And the driveway, why is it such a big deal?

It's long. Way too long to shovel. Last year for each of the two snow storms we got, we had to pay someone to plow. The tractor and snow equipment came with the house. Like most things in that deal, we didn't get all we expected and it didn't work out so well. This year, though dreading it, I was prepared. I had all the missing pieces and parts. I just needed the motivation. Four inches of snow and missing an awesome ride, was motivation enough. So now it's together and it's done.

Maybe there will be something left tomorrow night.



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