Monday, December 11, 2006


Paintball is an activity that requires a lot of patience. The first two games we played, I was the second person out. The game would start, I'd get bored, start running and get shot. In the third game I learned crawling more suited my disposition toward action. I lasted till I ran out of paintballs, then mistakenly left the game thinking I had nothing left to contribute. Fourth game, after crawling some more, I got pinned behind a tree and shot in the back of the head while reloading. Fifth game I got taken out by a sniper. I was crawling again and got myself wedged down between a rock and a tree. The normal rental guns didn't have the accuracy to hit me. Some dude with his own gun took three shots to finally plant one in my face. Sixth and final game I ran through almost all my paintballs before I decided to start running. Shot in the face again.

I don't think I shot a single person all day.

It was fun. Different, but fun. I would recommend getting your own group. Getting thrown in with 50 other people makes things a little crazy.


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