Sunday, December 3, 2006

Back in the Saddle

It's been a rough couple of days. On Thursday my cold had me knocked out completely. Friday was better, but I worked from home to keep things steady. Jen drug me out to the dance party that night, so we could earn a few more points for the TOC. Saturday was better still, but excessive things like launching myself over the deck rail to chase squirrels left me dizzy and short of breath. We spent most of the day out and about running errands, more dancing and picked up my backcountry skis at REI. Today was the best yet. Still a little stuffy, but felt like my old self - running in circles trying to get everything done. No dizzyness or shortness of breath. Tomorrow should be back on the bike and rolling.

Started this morning with the Squirrel Wars: The Homeowner Strikes Back. A week or so ago I put out squirrel feeders to try and keep them from our bird feeders. They'd hang out and eat the corn, but the seed in the feeders was
just too tempting. It didn't take long and they'd be hanging from the feeders like it was the Ole Country Buffet. And they were arrogant about it. Back in Paoli if there was a squirrel at the feeder, the simple click of the sliding glass door lock sent them flying. Here it takes leaping over the deck rail before they they think you're serious (and sick). On our errands yesterday we hit the Wild Bird Center and picked up some serious anti-squirrel measures. First we got a taller stronger pole to hang the feeders from. Then after much debate (over color mostly), we got a baffle to mount on the pole. The baffle keeps the little buggers from climbing up. As long as nothing is within eight feet of the top and feeders, we should be golden. Early this morning I got it all assembled, then sat back with my coffee to watch the show. It worked! I think. We had three squirrels around, but none of them tried the new setup. So I guess it's not exactly conclusive. They're probably waiting for me to go to work before they get it all figured out. By next weekend the Ole Country Buffet will be back in business. Bastards! Here's a shot of the current setup. I guess it was the false sense of success that led us onto the next project.
With the squirrels not at the feeders, we had all kinds of birds - Blue Jays, Doves, Juncos, Chickadees, Titmice, Wrens, Finches, Cardinals, Nut Hatches, Downies, etc. - so let's create another bird feeder setup at the side of the house out our picture window? More running around and we had enough to start putting things together. Unlike the rickety pole deal, we were going for the death star of bird feeders. I got an eight foot four by four post, a two foot sleeve baffle and a ten and half quart feeder to make the ultimate squirrel proof Ole Country Bird Buffet. The neighbors cats will love us. Anyway, I got most of the parts, but there's still some final touches (color coordination) before it goes up. For now we have a lonely pole sticking up in our yard for our curious neighbors to ponder - as we ponder what the hell he's going to do with his backhoe tomorrow.

So that was most of the day. When I started getting stuff ready for the commute tomorrow I realized my winter riding shoes are on their last leg. The stitching in the heel has started to pull out. I've seen this happen on others shoes. It's usually not long after they completely disintegrate to mt. bike shoe heaven. I shoe gooed em for now, but that might last a week. In the meantime I'm scouring the net for the cheapest price on a pair of 2007 Lake MXZ301 (on left). The ones I have/had were 2005s or 2004s (on right). The design has changed significantly. Maybe they've replaced the single stitched heel cup, with double, but I doubt it.

For those patiently reading for the possum outcome, there was nothing. Not sure if it was time to move on or what, but there was no evidence of anything touching the hot pepper suet. Maybe tomorrow?

And yeah I know - birds, squirrels - blah, blah, blah. There were at least three different rides I could have chosen from today. One was a kick-ass epic Valley Forge to Wiss and back, but I don't want any relapses. I wanna get sick, let it run its course and move on. None of this sick for weeks crap. I can afford to miss a few days. I can't afford weeks of sort of good sort of sick. Sick sucks.


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