Monday, November 27, 2006

Out with the old and in with the New

The longer I wait to write a post, the more it sounds like a grocery list and not something I truly tried to write. Oh well. Better to get something down, then forget it all away.

Started yesterday with a ride at Fair Hill. Couple of Spot guys, Bean's guys and some Wooden Wheels guys. Fun ride. Got warm fast - the weather not the pace. We kept it to a nice late November stroll. Henderson showed up nearly right off the plane from Australia. Jet lagged and dizzy made him a little silly, but he rode well.

Back home to finish the yard. The trees no longer have any leaves, so I'm hoping we're done. The pool area still has some, but at least they're contained. After the yard it was onto the ugly stuff. Our second floor overhangs the first floor by about three feet. In some of my previous projects I've had the pleasure of getting into that space and messing around with wires, insulation and everything else nasty that's there. Each time I've pulled out insulation completely infested with the presence of mice and things a little bigger then mice. Finally I decided to pull it all out and start over. It's a nasty job. Every couple of minutes I'd ask myself was it worth it. Should I leave the insulation alone? It might be nasty, but it still works right? I'd find a wire chewed to the copper, a mummified mouse, or worse things a little bigger then mice. Then I knew it was worth it. It's my house. I'm not living there with all this filth beneath the floorboards (or above the ceiling depending on your position). So I got all the old insulation out and vaccumed the space. Tonight I'll fill holes with spray foam insulation and try to reinsulate the exposed wiring. Maybe tomorrow I'll start replacing the insulation with new and clean R-19. Hope it stays that way.

On a happier note I rode into work today. I left before coffee was made, so I got to use my new travel french press at work. It's nice. Tasty coffee at work is quite a treat. Ordered some snow/studded tires today. Going to try and make a habit of this bike commute thing.


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