Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dumbass Freak

Rode into work today. I think the temp was around 30 when I left. I was loving it. The air was crisp and the sun was shining. I was having a great day till I got to work and realized I lost my shorts that had my work badge and keys in them. I didn't care so much about my badge, but the keys had the only set of keys I have for my car on them. I called Jen to see if she saw them. Sure enough she saw something that looked like shorts in the driveway, but didn't pick them up. I got one of the girls at work to drive me home and get them. A "one less car" day wasted.

Ride home was uneventful which is good, though in the spirit of bike commuting/messaging here's a cool link.

At home things got busier. The fan in our main bathroom sort of stopped working this morning, so up on the roof in the dark I went. Looked ok and clear. Have to wait till tomorrow morning to see if still a problem. After that I hit the basement for some spray foam insulation fun. I missed a few cracks when I did the attic gap job, so I finished that up to get things back together. My gear room had been a mess ever since. Some website updates and now this.

ps. know anyone that needs packing peanuts or has a cure for night sweats?


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